Saturday however was a very awkward gathering for my Aunt's birthday at a park close to my grandmother's house. Twas an afternoon filled with rehearsed, almost forced conversation. The same topics were covered (thus the rehearsed feeling) and then the few random topics were thrown in there as well. One of those random topics was Lady Gaga's American Idol performance... you know,of course we couldn't talk about anything with substance. The general references that I was expecting were made towards the performance by my aunt, "That was just very weird" "They advertise it as a family show & then they put that filth on there!" Then my cousin made a remark that reminded me once again why I can't come out to my family.
I don't know if anyone reads this but if any one does & you hear me talking about coming out to my family remind me of this. My cousin, as the rest of my family was jumping on the band wagon, making foul remarks about Lady Gaga, decided to say this with a look of disgust on his face, "Yeah and you know all of her dancers are gay!"
My response to that was "So????" But you know the rest of my family thought that was just deplorable... So yeah, I'm gonna start writing about this stuff on here so that if I do get mobbed by family someday because they found out I likes the ladies someone will know what happened to me lol.

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